
Practical information about OASIS 4 will be posted here shortly.


What is OASIS?

OASIS, Ontology As Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics, is an umbrella organization for research about and around formal semantic ontology. It started as an international research network funded by the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique from 2017 to 2021, and is continuing as a yearly in-person conference. In addition, our vision is to build a digital infrastructure that will allow the community to interact more online.

How can I be a part of OASIS? 

We're working on it! There will be two ways to interact with OASIS: receiving a newsletter tailored to your own particular interests, and being a member. Members will generate the content of the newsletter by posting just a few of their own publications or other items on the OASIS site each year, and will be welcome to have a profile in the People section of the OASIS site.

What we are building is the backend where members can post, as well as an automated (but friendly) system of email reminders to post. You can sign up to be notified when the newsletter and membership system are ready. After they go online, we have other ideas for building online community that we look forward to discussing with OASIS members.